12-12 Sumiyoshi-cho Naka-ku
Hiroshima-city 730-0813 JAPAN
TEL 082-249-6086
URL http://akatatsu.jimdo.com/
Monday to Friday
Lunch 12:00-14:30
Dinner 19:00-24:00
Satuady Sunday Public Holiday
Dinner 19:00-24:00
No scheduled holidays
From JR Hiroshima Train Station
Hiroshima Bus No.24 For Yoshijima (Yoshijima Hospital)
stop: Sumiyoshi-cho
(10th Stop from Hiroshima Station/3rd stop from peace memorial park)
(Soupless dan dan noodles)
Miso-type 550yen
Soy sauce-type 650yen
How to eat
Over 20times beat noodles with chopsticks.
It's hot and spicy.
"Shirunashi-tan-tan-men" is the latest local dishes of Hiroshima-city.
Masami Nishimura
He sticks with Chinese chef more than 25 years.
Love basketball
Love pro wrestling especially New Japan pro wrestling